
By Hillyblips


The flag irises in the pond though they are few do attract bees and are also  a way of the dragons exiting the water.

Decorator here early doors to quote and then we decided to  (no well I did ..) clear out the garage under the office as it was getting to the point that we just couldn't walk through the debris.

I have now my car booked into the skip on Monday but that isn't even a small proportion of what actually needs to go. It started off being .. if we haven't used it in 30 years, then we got faaar more radical and cut it to 10-20!. This is what comes from a Yorkshire upbringing  - it will make do and mend or it will be useful or a spare ... in time ....possibly!

I actually had visions of my kids having to deal with all of our 'stuff'  on our sad demise and felt sorry for them so was ruthless in the last throw out! They still need to be very afraid as we've only just scratched the surface.

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