Sprout lover

By robharris35

Palestina iwe huru

Let Palestine be free.

There is such an anti-Palestinian bias, both conscious and sub-conscious, on the vast majority of Western media platforms. Therefore I am glad to see billboards such as this one, drawing attention to the plight of Palestinians in a very prominent place on a Dar es Salaam highway. Quds Day is a global annual pro-Palestinian event held on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, expressing support for the Palestinian cause. The name comes from the Arabic name for Jerusalem: al-Quds. My guess is that this year the billboard has been left standing because of the particular tragedy occurring at the moment in Palestine.

I am not Muslim or Jewish, Middle Eastern or Arabic. I have no 'skin in the game' in this conflict by way of religion, ethnicity or nationality. However, on a purely human level I wish Gaza could be free from this tyrannical bombardment, which I despair about daily. This is not like other conflicts where people can flee. They are trapped and are subject to the most intense fear and suffering. The weakness of most global leaders is appalling and the passive stance of most of the world is shameful.

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