This is the day

By wrencottage

Consider her ways ...

We both had a wonderful night’s sleep back in our own bed, but there was no time for a lie-in because Smithers had a 9.15 am appointment at the eye clinic, which had been booked for him by the hospital while we were away. The Traveller kindly acted as chauffeur so that I could get on with the pile of washing that had accumulated, and also continue the unpacking and putting away of everything. 

Smithers was seen by a different consultant this time, who had a good handle on his case and was very helpful and positive about his progress. He has reduced the number of drops that I need to administer for Smithers from four a day down to three, which will gradually go down to two and then one before stopping completely within three months.

One slight problem we encountered on our return home yesterday was an infestation of ants in our kitchen and family room. This often happens when the weather starts warming up – they appear, seemingly out of nowhere, crawling into the room from under the skirting boards, and march in line across the room and up on to the work surfaces. It wasn’t the best sight to come home to, but I know from experience that it won’t last long, and so far they haven’t found their way into any cupboards, thank goodness.

As a relief from ant warfare and laundry, I spent a pleasant half hour this afternoon at the digital keyboard and found, to my delight, that I haven’t completely forgotten everything I learned before I went away on holiday! I came downstairs afterwards to Smithers with a huge smile on my face, which only became wider when he informed me that he would be cooking supper. 

Expect plenty of blips from our garden from now on. This is the tidiest part of it at the moment – the rest is becoming overgrown with self-seeded plants and will need some attention. I just loved the dappled light in this shot. 

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