
By fennerpearson


Today was my second go at volunteering for Parkrun. Hannah and I have been rapidly promoted to timekeepers, a mildly stressful role that involves clicking a button on the app each time someone crosses the finish line. 

I felt a moment of pride and a lump in my throat when the director looked across - “Ready, timekeepers?” - and then the race was underway. 

Of course, you can’t help but be impressed by the runners who come flying over the line less than twenty minutes after the start, but it all starts getting more emotional once you get past thirty minutes. I think I love everyone at Parkrun.

After that, Yoss and I moved the last bits across to the new studio, and then I went home for a nap while I waited for the Minx to get back from family brunch, and then we went into Manchester for a little holiday shopping, before repeating yesterday’s route home via The Mews and Seven Bro7hers.

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