The Little Moments

By littlemoments


Middle of the night praying is one of my favorite times. I had four hours on my own in the night shift before being joined by someone else, which was a time I was felt very honoured to share. Another friend came for an hour before the day shift arrived. I prayed for an hour with him and attempted to head home for sleep. My head was far too full but I managed a couple of restful hours, putting a few things mentally down. 

I had the pleasure of visiting a dear friends mum as both she and the mum were unwell for separate reasons so I went to check in on Joan. Then on my friend. I'd cycled and really appreciated the time in the sunshine. 

I dumped the bike then headed in for a time in the prayer room. Surprising space with a friend that we really needed. And some interesting time together with another third of my prayer trio. 

A good evening 

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