Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Whitsunday or Penticost Sunday.

It's been a typical Sunday, but quieter. We went to church this morning and Little Man to crèche. He had a lot of fun, as per normal. When we got home, everyone (except for me) went and had a lie down. I watched the Italian Grand Prix and then got Little Man up. I don't think he slept for long but he was able to get some rest.

When Little Man got up we had some time together. I made a mushroom, tomato and cheese omelette, which went down a treat. After dinner Little Man had a bath and then went to bed. Caleb popped in for a decaf coffee and to drop something off for our dad.

I was able to do some more back dating of my memory book this evening as well. I've got part of March and most of April still to get through.

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