
By MumOf4Wildlings

Viking and miracle

Well it's just another dress up day but it makes my Jedi very happy. I'm quite pleased we have a good dress up drawer.... or three. 

My young lady in the photo is a miracle.  I've actually known her since she was a baby. The doctors told her parents that she would never walk or talk and she is amazing.  She has worked so hard since a baby and is walking and talking.  She does use some sign language too. I love my job. 

I'm also helping a young girl transition to our school.  She starts with us full time after the summer. I have known her for a few years.  And she can go from sweet and innocent to a hurricane. But she is a lovely young girl. Today was a great session with her. I even got a Hugh 5 from my boss. When I left work on Friday,  things went a little downhill with her. But today was perfect.  

It's cheerleading and football tonight so a quick stop in the house. 

I'm feeling more relaxed that I'm not putting pressure on myself to comment on blip. I'll definitely get time one day again when everything is more calm to comment on journals. I've managed to catch up with a few. 

I'm going for another jog tonight when the wildlings are in bed. I'm enjoying the 'ME ' time. Even if it means becoming a sweaty mess. But it's half a hour with no worries and distractions...... well the only worry is making it to the top of the hills. Hehe. 

Happy Monday.  X 

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