Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Muddled day

Yes, it's another butterfly, though less glamorous and from a different place to yesterday's.  But I mean, what else do you blip on a day as beautiful as this?  I guess this little character is a meadow brown, but confess to getting muddled between these and gatekeepers, when all you can see are the underwings  [With thanks to Diane2104, I can tell you it's a Small Heath butterfly].  The flower is germander speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys).

In fact, the day has been altogether muddled.  I thought the roofers were coming back to start work on the conservatory, but that's been put off till next week.  I thought J was going to be here but he's not, and I thought I would be speaking to the doctor, but that isn't happening now until June.  As for grasping the finer points of how a new camera works - hahaha!!

Hope very many of you have been able to enjoy the sunshine.  Take care and have a great evening  xx

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