
By JanetMayes


Thank you for all yesterday's good wishes and comments. I'll try to catch up with replying; I'm not doing well at keeping up with anything at present, but they are appreciated.

Sunday was warm and sunny. I tried and failed to remove a self-seeded sycamore sapling which has sprung up in an inconvenient spot which is now beside the edge of our new patio - I can cut it off, of course, but if I can't get the roots out it will soon grow back, they are fairly indestructible. J came out on the deck with me for a while, and we potted on her sunflowers, which are growing well - it won't be long before we can move them into their big tubs outside. I potted on some of the cucumbers too, but didn't get to the tomatoes, which are getting too big for their little modules. This is a quick end of day photo: the low sunlight shows clearly that I haven't yet cleaned my greenhouse glass this year. I didn't think it was very dirty until I saw this!

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