
By Teasel


I was feeling much better this morning and was up bright and early.  I went for an early morning walk, down and round by the river.  It was very peaceful.  The haar was in, but not too thick, and by the time I got home it was starting to brighten up.  TT headed off to a funeral, while I did a few jobs and then paid a quick visit to the supermarket.
I was getting myself ready for the day when TT returned home.  I packed up some food and just as we were leaving BB appeared.  TT and I were meeting friends at Goatfest - a local festival organised by the rugby club.  There was live music, drinks and food in the sun – what’s not to like.  We had a lovely afternoon, though I must say that I barely paid any attention to the music.  It was good to catch up with the friends we went with and with other friends who we bumped into there.  The weather was amazing, until the haar rolled in , late afternoon – and then instead of beer, tea and coffee were the drinks of choice.  I had at least brought a jumper, and we were all very jealous of one of our number, who had both a jacket and a scarf.  Those of us in shorts were starting to really feel the chill.  The event was due to finish at 6pm , we made a sharp exit just before 6pm, just to get warm.  The walk up the road certainly helped. 
I had bought some pizzas earlier in the day – so tea was quick and easy.  BB appeared home later than us.  He had been out watching a football match and t=had then met up with R.  He came home looking for food of course.  He then confessed to having done no studying today.  He and I watched another episode of Ripley, but I then left him to watch a movie and went and read my book.  TT had had an early night – too much sun I think!
A late afternoon view of Goatfest.  I should have taken a picture earlier, as it would have at least had a blue sky.

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