
By Marionb

"Tis the Season...

..for Dance Contests and Recitals.... 

My young niece is winding up a year of dance lessons and this weekend she was in yet another dance competition in a town far away from her home; fortunately it was live-streamed for those of us who could not attend in person and we were able, after each number, to immediately send applause and kudos in texts to her mom to be relayed to her...We were all really proud of much talent and so much hard work...and then the confidence to perform on stage like that...impressive! 

I have never had a dance lesson my life, but I grew up in a home surrounded by the glitter and glamour of dance recitals; my mom sewed the costumes for the dance recitals in our town, and our house, at that time of year, was always full of shiny satins, sparkly nettings, sequins, and all sorts of fun embellishments. Not being dancers, my sister and I  never got to wear any glitzy outfits like that, but we did get the fabric scraps!  And oh the fun we had with them! 

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