
By HareBrain

The Fab Four

Our Blipfoto heroes, of course, and John, Paul, George and Ringo - so you can guess where we've been today!

An early start on an early train to Liverpool where we've had a fab day.  A ride on the open top bus twice round the city with a great tour guide.  Ferry 'cross the Mersey and a very good lunch in the iconic Philharmonic Dining Rooms.  No visit is complete without a visit to our famous gents’ toilets – not a claim many pubs can make! We’re also part of the city’s rich musical history – Buddy Holly performed here, as did Paul McCartney (as seen on James Corden’s The Late Late Show). Locally known as The Phil, our pub was said to be one of John Lennon’s favourite bars. If that’s not enough music for you, the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall is just over the road. I had a look in! stunning Grade 1 Listed imitation victoriana marble urinals.

A leisurely walk back to Lime Street Station where we caught our train back to Chester.  After that it all went downhill a bit.  Our connecting train back to base wasn't  going anywhere so we waited for another one.  Half way through that journey  the guard announced  there was fighting in the last carriage and the train was stopped.  The driver, guard and other train staff eventually got the two culprits off the train and managed to restrain them until Police arrived and took them off.  Some of the innocent passengers who had got caught up in the brawl sustained injuries, luckily none too bad.  We were so glad we hadn't been in that carriage.

Due to the hour or so's delay we didn't get back to base until late but were greeted by another fabulous sunset which lifted our flagging spirits.  Now absolutely shattered after what has been a super day.

The collage:  TL. the ferry, TM. The Dining Rooms, TR. John Lennon's bespoke replica Rolls Royce, the original being in a museum I think. BL. you know who. MR. the gent's loos.  BR. sunset.

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