
By flavia13


Had a really lovely morning at Leighton Moss.  I didn't know what the weather was going to do as, once again, it seemed different here to what was  on the BBC this morning.  So just in case, I put on my scent free insect repellent and some sun block, factor 50!!!

We caught the 9.18 train, it cost us a grand total of £2.46 between us!!!! This is because I have a senior railcard and as Hubby is a Friend of Kents Bank and does a lot of work on the station he get's a pass, just for anywhere along the Furness line.  So not only is better for the environment but it's also better for our pockets too and makes sure the trains are being well used.

We headed straight for the Lower Hide so had a nice walk down there, it's the one furthest away that is actually on the Leighton Moss site.  The hide was quite full when we arrived, but most lost, it was just then the two of us plus an avid birder.  The Birder was so lovely, he suddenly said to me there's an osprey just landed over there.  Well I couldn't see it with the naked eye but when I went and sat next to him he directed me to where it was and with my zoom lens on it's full 300mm I could just about make it out (see in extras).  They are terrible photos really as these are heavily cropped as well as on the full extent of my zoom, but at least you can see what it is and I'VE SEEN AN OSPREY IN THE WILD - WAHOO.  So this year I've seen the Northern Lights and an Osprey - not bad huh!!!!  So grateful to that lovely man because if he hadn't been there I would never have spotted the Osprey.

We also saw a few of the regulars, like swans, terns, ducks, a cormorant, a pochard (so the Birder advised)m a couple of egrets up trees and a coot.

On the way back to the visitor's centre for early lunch we also heard a Bittern but didn't see it.  There was a hell of a racket near the river so I went to where to could see the river and it was empty!!!!

I had a lovely individual home-made quiche with salad and hubby had a bacon bap with coffees.  Very nice.  We then sat in the small hide near the centre to see the small birds, I think they were on a lunch break but we did see a blue tit (didn't get a photo), a young robin, swallows and a couple of others I've still to find out what they are.

We caught the 12:17  back and as we alighted the train at Kents Bank an egret flew over - must have followed us!!!!

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