
By Munni

Why Not?

She did it again. I had prepared the carrier bag for our Munni-cat's vet visit, and not even 30 seconds later, Rani sat in it. I don't know how she understood that she wasn't the intended victim, but I seem to be communicating that information somehow. 

Anyway - even though she didn't want to vacate the carrier bag, she had to get out, Munni had to get in, and we drove to the vet. It was the visit that we postponed three weeks ago, when the vet clinic was understaffed and overwhelmed. This time, it went well (apart from the poor Munni-cat being sick in the car again). Her blood pressure was within acceptable limits, but she has lost quite a lot of weight, and the vet will phone me tomorrow to tell me the bloodwork results. I am feeling slightly apprehensive about that, because Munni has been very nervous and unsettled lately, coming to wake me up every 90 minutes, every night. I hope it's nothing serious.  

This afternoon, we had weather warnings for rain and thunderstorms. Before the bad weather was supposed to reach us, I cut the grass in the garden, made sure there was nothing left that could go flying in a storm, and also walked to the supermarket, to get more of the Munni-cat's favourite treats. But I needn't have hurried - the weather front produced a gap just where we are, and we neither had any thunderstorms nor hard rain, just some light drizzle. 

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