
By Veronica


No apologies for the butterfly blip again -- it's summer! I think this is a plebeius argus -- they're tiny and terribly difficult to photograph. They're also the type that close their wings immediately they land, so it's hard to get a photo of the blue side of their wings.

It was a really hot day today -- when I got in the car to go shopping the thermometer read 40C. For part of the afternoon, I stayed indoors watching the women's Wimbledon final. I'd been looking forward to this as they are both such great players to watch, but Lisicki's choking made it a bit of a walkover for Marion Bartoli. She played so well though, never losing her nerve. The two players had a good hug at the end too. Lovely. It was sadly predictable that some people, including a BBC commentator, seized the opportunity to make sexist and downright offensive comments about Bartoli's appearance. Wonder if they'll do the same if Murray wins the men's?

This evening, I battled with a recalcitrant pump in the garden, finally getting it started only for it to stall after 5 minutes and refuse to start again. And then, as night fell, I sat in the square with the neighbours around an old door on trestles, drinking wine and chatting. A good way to end the day!

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