
By MrsK277

Farleigh Hospice

Bit of a slow start, but I'm learning that sometimes needs must.
I had a dip at 21° for 5m20s before doing a few household chores, as well as winding string around the bamboo pea supports which was strangely calming.
Sorted some jumble to take with me to WI. It was my first visit at the new location, Chelmsford Rugby Club. Much smaller, cosier and more personable than Hylands Marquee and a massive drop in price. It has been confirmed we are the largest WI in the country with over 200 members, so need a big enough space, just in case everyone came to the monthly meetings. Tonight was the Agm and Farleigh Hospice fashion show! I'm a regular supporter of this local charity as this is where Peter and I were cared for before he died. Its a very special place. Some of our ladies were models for the evening, all in occasion wear and all items donated to the many charity shops. The top floor of the Maldon warehouse branch is solely  occasion, wear including wedding dresses and tuxedos. The outgoing president had never worn a wedding dress so secretly decided with another lady they would come in at the end, changed from their original outfits, into the above. Good sports. Cathy is new elected president.
I picked FK up from cadets on my way home and we were all about to go to bed, when his Cadet boss sent through an email confirming his place on the RIAT camp in July. It not only confirmed his place but went on to make it very clear that a cadet camp is not a holiday or leave of absence, but an approved educational visit as confirmed by the Dept of Education! I shall enjoy sending that to school in the morning!

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