Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


We failed to find foxgloves in the previous garden centres.  And we'd been avoiding a trip to Beechdale (which is just up the road) - I think because we both knew we would spend a lot of money there.

But today we had to go because we needed various things.  And we found foxgloves in abundance.  They're a bit more expensive than I'd hoped to pay - I really wanted lots of small ones rather than a few fully grown ones.  But I'm hoping that in future years they won't need much attention and will seed themselves around freely.

Whilst we were in the garden centre there was thunder and lightning, and we drove away almost €200 lighter in our pockets, and in pouring rain, which followed us home.  So here's one of the wet foxgloves on the patio - hoping to plant them tomorrow. 

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