Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Noises off

Lexi was responding to noises in the stair, more specifically the Radio Times coming through the letterbox. It's not a noise that worries her particularly, unlike some which do. It doesn't seem to depend on how loud the noise is, just how unfamiliar. Alfie and she don't like fireworks or thunderstorms, which I can sympathise with.

The promised rain duly arrived but I didn't get too wet. It was my literature class's turn to meet in someone's home and this week it was at A's in Colinton, where we discussed two contemporary Ukrainian short stories, the first of which was very confusing but our tutor seemed to have worked it out. I was most of the way there, but not completely. The second one was set during lockdown which prompted lots of reminiscing - we reckoned that everyone has a lockdown short story in them.

It was back into long sleeves today after a couple of weeks of T shirts. Maybe that was summer for this year :((

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