
By Ingleman

A chilly (13 degrees) grey day with persistent rain although not heavy. Not a great day to be out. So I stayed in....

My blip ( and extra) are the only pictures I took today. I just had to share them ...Both photos are of coloured pencil images presented to us by the talented Hevkk during our recent blip meet. I am unable to properly describe how I felt when The Artist handed us the pictures and we saw them for the first time. 

The main is a charming study of our Hollie dog and the extra is a superb likeness of Stanley, a dog who's owners we met on a walk earlier in the year:

Needless to say we are touched and delighted by the gift of such lovely pictures. Hevkk -Thanks so much!

Mrs I came home at mid day and promptly went out again to visit her old man. He is settling into the life of a poor widower, being waited on hand and foot, and having carers coming in three times a day.

I have been listening to the Court Enquiry on the radio, concerning the Sub Postmaster's/Post Office scandal. Ex boss Paula Vennals has been giving evidence. Her witness statement is over 700 pages long and it will take three days to plough through it all and hear her version of events. 

It is thoroughly absorbing and listening to her makes me feel that she is not in the real world, and her version does not tally much with what we all now know to be the truth.  It will be interesting to hear where she takes us next..

Well, that is all for now, have a great Wednesday and  enjoy Thursday too. 
That is an order...

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