David J. Rose

By djrose007

Table Laying and Floods

The girls, yesterday, said that for dinner today they wanted Chicken Noodle soup and Rice with Cheese!
Now, I don't really fancy cheese with my boiled rice so I made a bowl of salad with grated carrot, another tray with cucumber sweep peppers and spring onions, and a small bowl of coleslaw, black olives and, of course, a bowl of grated cheese.
I also prepared a good deal of sliced and marinated chicken. A bit more substantial than the original idea! The did lay the table though, and a nice job they made of it too. 
The rice and chicken are still cooking when I took this so missing from the table.
And why do I not have a bowl? I'm not really very keen on chicken noodle soup, or as I spoonerism'd, Nicken Choodle soup! The girls just cracked up when I said that.
Our Amazon Dot 'Alexa' has been telling us that we have severe weather warnings for Gloucester through last night and today. It did rain all night and most of the day, so no biking to school this morning. The bottom couple of photographs shows that we did, indeed, suffer some major flooding on the walk to school! Not quite enough to close the footpath, we just had to walk on the grass to avoid the large flooded areas (sic).

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