
By Teasel

More Alliums

Back to work.  It was quite a nice morning, but given my experience last week, I decided not to dress for summer, although I could probably have got away with it, as there was no haar in Edinburgh today. 
There was plenty to be done at work today as quite a few colleagues are on annual leave.  I did pop out at lunchtime and bought a birthday gift.  It was lovely and warm when you were in the sun, but pretty chilly when out of the sun.
I missed my bus home tonight, as the bus was early.  I could see the bus at the bus stop, but I couldn’t get across the road, so I knew I was never going to make it.  How very annoying.  I decided to walk along Princes Street to the next stop, as I had plenty of time to kill.  That was not my best idea, as there was a seagull incident as I was walking along – suffice to say my new coat was well and truly christened.  I wasn’t sure what to do, but M&S was open, so I ran in to their toilets and cleaned things up a bit and put my coat in a carrier bag.  It wasn’t all that warm, but I walked briskly and didn’t have to wait too long on the bus. 
I was still very annoyed when I got home.  I squirted vanish over the mess and my coat went in the washing machine.  Thankfully it came out like new –which it still is.  Later I went for a walk, and it was chilly again, requiring a coat and a jumper.
BB went to football training tonight, his first time in over two months, and  just in time for the end of the season.  His hamstring seems to be bearing up – which is good.  He played 5 aside last week at school and although he iced it when he came home, it seems to have been ok.  Fingers crossed it is mended.
Another allium blip. There are alliums everywhere just now – these beauties are in St Andrew’s Square.

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