2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Knitting code

If you send over 600 emails in a week asking people to do something,  your email box will fill up with their questions and comments. Today I spent quite a lot of time reassuring and thanking people. The emails have paid off though and the numbers who have done what I'd asked them to do are growing.
Wet at lunchtime so I ate at my desk and watched YouTube videos of how to use the new camera I've ordered.
Luckily I did have my waterproof trousers with me as it was pouring down on the way home.  The roads were pretty soggy.
Had fun trying to decipher the instructions for the first row of my lacy cardigan. I need to get my head around the various decreases. SSK I've already used for socks but SSSK might need a bit of practice. 

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