W-e-e-e-e-e-ll, you have to try.

Not a thing, catchable, caught the old eye downtown.
Fall back to swanning around the garden.

How in the name of all old oddities I ever managed when I started with only this lens I'll never understand if I live 'till I die. I think it came as a "cheap" bundle with the camera, can't 'member.
Any way, beside the point.
I've long held the philosophy ... "If you don't ask you'll never know."
Some time ago I bought a set of macro tubes (?), for the "other lens", I wondered how they'd fare on the 90-300mm.
Job only 1/2 done. SO! What's fresh??
What I otter have done was take one with and one without said tubes.

Ah well ... "Oui le vingt, l'un."
If that throws you, type it into Google© translator and listen to it.

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