How's this for an ecosystem?

a.m. fasting bloods from Gaffer = 3 fingers full, home to eat.
p.m. Hairdresser, I took off for the ceremonious "lowering of the lugs", better known as a hair-cut. Not that there's a helluva lot to cut, but I don't think I'd suit/Gaffer would condone, a bald ponytail.
Decided to venture in the general direction of Aira force. En route I spotted a perfect blip which had vanished by our return. It'd have qualified for a "Darwin Award".
Picture a ladder, pitched against a house wall.
Now take a second ladder and affix it horizontally twixt that ladder and a convenient window-ledge in a wall at right-angles to the ladder pitched wall.
With me so far?
Right oh. NOW take a third ladder and pitch it midway along ladder #2 to achieve access to the area of wall above the lean-to area of the building.

Anyway, to the ecosystem.
I doubt if anybody living now can tell us when this tree was topped, probably when the tea-room was built. Wonder if I can find out.
Beside the point for now.

Approx 1/3 of the circumference, still to be measured, is bark clad, on the side you can't see.
Also on that side there are a couple of quite colourful, yellow, bracket fungi.
In two knot-holes there are two baby Oaks which look to be this year's.
Hanging down one side there's a rather elderly clump of Brambles and right, slap bang in the middle of the stump there is also a sapling Silver Birch around 4-5' high.

I did see a Wagtail perched up there, but it refused to tell me if it had a nest there.

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