Living my dream

By Mima

Her Madge

The sun is to Bean's liking.

Mine too, although the frost created by the clear skies wasn't so lovely.

To my annoyance and frustration the pain in my buttock worsened overnight, although it has eased a bit since lunchtime. So I spoke with a GP this afternoon on the phone, because driving into town to see him face to face was too uncomfortable. 

It wasn't either of my preferred doctors and I was disappointed that different anti-inflammatory meds were the only option he presented. That was despite me asking his advice about types of gentle exercise and amounts of rest. I'm not very impressed...

So I have emailed the lovely physiotherapist for that advice, and I hope she'll be able to help. 

Fortunately I have a pile of good reading material and have been buried most of the day in Stig Abell's latest: "Death in a Lonely Place". 

Now the sun has gone down Bean is buried in blankets.

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