
By tridral

Yn adeiladu blwch mawr

Yn adeiladu blwch mawr ~ Building a big box

“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.”
― John Maynard Keynes

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Yn ogystal â'r cwt, prynon ni blwch mawr o Tiger Sheds. Roedd yn fwy na'r disgwyl (oherwydd roedden ni eisiau storio dim ond cwpl o glustogau). Awgrymodd Daniel ei fod e'n ddigon mawr i wneud cwt enciliad arall
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As well as the hut, we bought a large box from Tiger Sheds. It was bigger than expected (because we only wanted to store a couple of cushions). Daniel suggested that it was big enough to make another retreat hut

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Yn adeiladu blwch mawr yn yr ardd.
Description (English): Building a big box in the garden.

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