Lost in Thought

By steveng

A Saul Leiter Day (AT465)

We've had a day of two halves, firstly at the MK Gallery (Milton Keynes) to see an exhibition of Saul Leiter's photographs and art, and then in Ikea where the bright colours were not so different.

The Saul Leiter exhibition is running to June 2nd and is worth seeing if you are not familiar with his work. Neither of us had much idea and found some of it beyond comprehension, and some of it quite striking.   The prints are quite small - often A5 or smaller so you'll need to get quite close.
Leiter was an early adopter of colour photography and would often find brightly coloured scenes and photograph then with pieces of architecture providing frames, and/or with rain or mist on windows as a filter.  The people were often blurred compared to the framing. 
In the extra is my effort at something along those lines.
Edit: I took this shot of the gallery cafe with my mobile phone to send to our children as it reminded us of Singapore, (Bugis Junction without the shops or crowds?) but after seeing the exhibition I thought it could be edited into his style.

My blip is the metal and concrete staircase inside the gallery.  Not on the theme but I liked it as an abstract so I'll tag it for Abstract Thursday. 
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

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