
By Incredibish


These two are being perfectly normal siblings. One is yelling and one is stoically ignoring him. I totally misremember which one I was as a lad and elder brother... ahem. In the extra is another kingfisher leaving the hole, presumably to get away from the arguments.

I was busy updating the firmware on the Hubble and didn't notice the super high ISO I'd left on the camera, so neither shot is entirely noise free, and of course having been taken at Slimbridge WWT they're both shot through grubby glass, because the kingfisher hide is apparently the place to have noisy conversations and they've locked the windows... sigh.

Tiny Tuesday 469 results:

Another great week of entries, and again it was hard to sort through and cull and cull again until I had the five hearts and five honourable mentions.

TT469 Hearts went to
Amanda_T - colour popping ladybird fun
Chris - Bee on Lacecap Hydrangea
heanku - delicate cow parsley macro
Mayisle - a most interesting buckle macro
Paola - complicated Cranefly capers

And Honourable Mentions went to
AH14 - Ganzia Depth of Field
CarolineJay - Marsh Marigold Seedhead
CleanSteve - a scattering of spiderlings
DawnP - raindrops on roses
rmeinz - Marvellous Mint Moth

Next week is my final Tiny Tuesday of May 2024, #TT470. Still no set theme beyond macro, miniature, tiny and above all interesting images, but amongst that lot there must be something tremendous you can put up for us all.

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