
By TrishaR

Bluebell Wood

Still catching my tail with Blips it’s been a busy time.

This wasTuesday! We left the house before 8 in the glorious sunshine of a beautiful Spring day. Headed up the A9 then off to Kinclaven near Murthly to visit one of our favourite walks at any time of year but even more special atm because of the bluebells! Bluebells, stunning trees and birdsong, just that as we were the o oh car in the car park and it is now mobbed after the Woodland Trust took it over around 6 years ago. They have really transformed the area, taking out the invasive Rhoddies, planting more native trees in land next to the wood that they purchased and creating paths and also the rope swing which I love.

Lucca was intoxicated with the sniffs . She loved the walk. There are no photos that could encapsulate the sheer beauty of this place but there is also the smell of so many bluebells. It’s a short lived wonder.

After the walk we stopped off at Uisage restaurant and sat outside for our breakfast of a coffee and a cherry scone with butter and jam straight out of the oven as we were there just as they opened at 10 am.

I have no idea what we did later on probably some gardening!

pS. The two trees side by side started in Outlander but I’ve not seen it but S tells me.

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