
By biddy

E.B. Climbing hydrangea on the porch wall.

I was gardening in the borders first thing this morning. It’s so much easer hoeing after it’s been raining!
Lunchtime arrived all too soon.
We then went to see Bobbie at the care home this afternoon.
She had evidently had a very distressed morning. The receptionist talked to us about it, as it was better for us to understand that she may be upset.
We usually take her out of the lounge now into another smaller room.
Anyway she decided we would go and sit in what is the pleasant dining room. One of the carers came to bring her a mug of coffee and some chocolate biscuits. Then returned and brought some for myself and Stephen.
It was a very difficult time, but eventually she calmed down sufficiently after looking at some recent photos I showed her on my iPad, after which we played a rough version of snap with the Wallis and Grommet cards as she likes the pictures and has her favourites!
It was good to see her smile a bit.
She was upset when we were leaving. I cannot imagine how hard it is for her two daughters, who come up alternately at the weekends from London.
I have exchanged messages with them this evening.
We were both very tired when we arrived home at teatime,
So I’ll be catching up tomorrow now.
Hope it’s warmer than today!
Rishi Sunak however, got a soaking announcing a General Election this morning! The next 6 weeks are going to be fun……..not! Media will be in overdrive!

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