
By Melisseus

One More Push

I'm physically and mentally worn out, so no profound philosophy or sparkling wit tonight; I'm sure you will notice the difference. Actually, I'm going to rely heavily on some extras, rather than too many words, as it was a fertile day on the picture front

Today was supposed to be the final day of the bee disease saga, but Aristeus and Melisseus (the other one) had a word with Zeus about our sins against the bees, and yesterday's deluge flooded the fire-pit, so the bee inspector is coming tomorrow instead and, cast in the role of Sisyphus, we spent the first part of the day digging another one

Penance served, we treated ourselves to lunch at our #1 café and a gentle afternoon soaking up the history and the flowers at Chastleton. As much as the architecture, art, textiles and family history are engaging, it was the quirks that caught my attention today: the Bakelite electric hot water bottle; the plumbing with a touch of Heath-Robinson; the Gormenghast plaster-work, the five-storey wooden ladder for clearing the gutters

Tomorrow is another day

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