
By maureen6002


We have friends over for lunch today. The planned meal in the garden is obviously moved inside because of the simply dreadful weather - so bad that they are late arriving due to flooding on the roads.  It feels so cold that we almost succumb to turning on the heating! 

I’m tempted to heat up the vichyssoise starter, but stick to the traditional chilled version; I do wish I’d taken a photo of this as it really did look very pretty garnished with chive flowers. Then there’s sea bass and jersey potatoes followed by freshly made strawberry pavlova. It’s a while since we’ve ’entertained’ and I quite enjoy it. 

Still, it’s still several hours of hosting, and this on top of a rather strenuous week has taken its toll and I’m really shattered with a ‘flare up’ building nicely. When they leave, I just collapse, ordered to the couch by the wonderful G who proceeds to clear up the debris. 

It’s an ideal time to do some photographic faffing. I find a shot of some flower spikes, duplicate it, flip the copy then add the two together to make a reflection, then run it through Distressed FX  - my blip today. 

It’s also time to complete the lengthy pre-op questionnaire for the Walton Centre. I had a phone consultation with my consultant on Tuesday; now I’m finishing my TB treatment, he’s happy to carry out the decompression surgery which will hopefully mean the end to the pain and numbness I have when walking. It probably won’t happen until October, but at least things are happening on that front. 

Thanks for your kind response to Lili’s portraits yesterday - she such a gorgeous subject, and thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday!

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