Everyday Life

By Julez

No Mow May Gone Wild

I walked to work via the grounds of the hospital this morning and I saw that, unlike the Arboretum grounds-keepers, they are taking it literally. I really liked it.

We were very busy at the Van today: sold out of almost everything and there was no lull between breakfast rush and lunch rush today.

Glad to say that it has been dry again so far today, even if it is still dull. According to a customer though, the forecast for the Bank Holiday weekend ranges from wet to Apocalyptic. Hopefully he was winding us up.

Posting this while eating a wrap in the car, then I will nip to Tesco and then home.

In other news, Brian persuaded another member of staff to swap cup final Saturday with him and has booked tickets! 

We are off to Wemberlee

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