a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Rose and Damsel

The relatively new common blue (I think) damsel took shelter in the petals of the rose on the patio by the pond, making for quite an interesting background for the damselfly.  It was a bit chilly when I took this and that probably accounts for the pale greyish brown colouration.

It's been a bit of a frustrating day unfortunately.  I'd booked my motorbike in for a service MOT and warranty repair several months ago.  At the time they were sure that they would only need the bike for the day, but somehow today "other jobs" took too long and they were late starting it, so now it won't be ready until tomorrow. They have loaned me a demonstrator so I was able to get home, but I have wasted most of today hanging around between 8:30am and 3:30pm (when they decided the work would take a second day).  I'd hoped to be able to go down to the levels tomorrow to take bird photos, but I'll have to cancel that plan in order to take them back their demonstrator and collect my bike once the work is eventually finished. Still, I dare say the birds will still be there next week.

First world problems I know, but dammit, I live in the first world and its frustrating to have my time wasted :-) 

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