A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Flower Friday 24_2024 :: FF24_2024 :: Tangerine

This is the first poppy head from a new plant I put in a couple of months ago called Papaver ruifrangum 'Tangerine Gem'. Apparently it hails from Spain.

There is a promise of a number of other flowers yet to come but it is quite close to a huge red poppy that is showing signs of life. You can never get too much of a good thing.

Knee Update: It was 3 weeks yesterday since my total knee replacement. It feels more like 2 but the difference over the last 3 weeks shows how things have improved, as far as I'm concerned.

However the physio team do not see it that way and want to force my knee.  After the op (next day) they forced it to 80 degrees but couldn't get it beyond 20 degrees afterwards. My 1st post-op session last week I had managed to get to about 40 degrees but they forced it to 70 degrees. The next day I was back to 10 degrees and it has taken the rest of the week to get to 75 degrees on my own. This morning they wanted to force it again, I said no! 

If they had I'm certain I'd be back to 20 degrees over the next few days. I want to build on what I have not knock it back. These session were not part of the planned aftercare plan but extra because I had extra swelling. I'm seeing the surgeon/team in 3 weeks. I plan to have gained more flexibility by then using the recommended exercises and some of my own adaptations. All without using force... 

My wound is healing very well and I'm mobile without my sticks. I did an hour or so of gardening today attacking the weeds on the drive with a strimmer and burner. 

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