An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

New pals...

Today we had a visit from Blip Pal Trisha, her husband Stewart and their gorgeous spaniel Lucca, who's a new addition to the family.

When they arrived, Lucca was cool, calm and collected, while Lola was her usual bouncy barky exuberant self!  Seven years old going on two!!

D, T & S headed out to walk the dogs at Blackford to let them get to know one another and let Lola expend some energy.  I stayed home getting the tea/coffee and goodies organised for their return :-)

Once back we enjoyed an afternoon of chat and the dogs were fine together.  Lucca is absolutely delightful.  Affectionate, sociable and quiet.  Didn't bark once!  Take note Lola!  And it's great to meet a dog who is just as motivated by food as Lola! 

Lucca has definitely landed on her paws with T&S and will spend the rest of her life in a loving home.  I look forward to seeing her (and T&S ) again soon.

Neither of us could be bothered cooking this evening so we had an Indian takeaway for tea.  I struggle to eat an Indian main course so had a chicken tikka starter and some pakora instead.  It was lovely.

Watched Scotland's Home of the Year.  It was the Central heat this week and the house that won is not far from us.  It's an old mill . Before it was converted into a beautiful home by its current owners, we used to drive past its derelict shell and comment on how much potential it had.  Wonderful to see it reach that potential.

I am delighted to let you know that the four year old golden retriever that went missing from our little town two days ago was found safe and well this morning and is back with her family.  So happy for them :-))

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