An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Old photographs...

and faces I remember...

David and Keith debated right up until the last minute over whether or not they should play golf today.  Their hesitation was due to the weather forecast for heavy rain.  In the end they decided to go ahead based on the Met Office's forecast of cloudy with light rain.  They should have believed the BBC's forecast of heavy rain instead!  lol

While they were getting soaked on the golf course, I spent a very pleasant afternoon updating the photos in various frames dotted around the house.

The Withers woman recently introduced me to the Free Prints App that lets me get around 45 6" x 4" prints per month for free.  All I pay is the postage.  It's brilliant! 

I've been making good use of it and the prints I chose last month included around 10 to replace older photos in frames on display in the house.  I also bought some new frames to add to the collection.  

It's been so long since I had photos printed, I'd forgotten how wonderful it is to hold a pile of prints in my hands and look through them.  I had a wonderful time deciding which photos should go where and once they were in place, I took great pleasure in going round the house looking at them :-))

One photo I removed from its little frame in the garden room is my blip shot of D's mum and my mum, taken sometime in the mid 1990s.  It's the only photo I have of just the two of them and I stupidly put the proper photo in the frame, rather than a copy, and the sun has faded it so that their features are almost gone.  I have a box that contains piles and piles of photo negatives and at some point I will wade my way through it looking for the negative of this shot (only trouble is I'm not sure if I took this photo or my mum gave it to me, so I may not have the negative :-(  )  in the hope I can have it re-printed.  In the meantime I made some edits in Snapseed to try and rescue it as far as I can.  I will have a go in Lightroom too.

I also spent a few happy minutes creating a book mark for Nikki.  We are seeing her and our nephew Andrew at the weekend.  They are coming to ours on Saturday and we're taking them out for dinner and to give them their wedding gift (money...the gift of choice :-)  Nikki is a voracious reader and I thought a little bookmark with a nod to their wedding day would be a fun wee mindin' :-)  Jordan will laminate it for me in the morning as it's watercolour so the paint will run if it gets wet.

Hoping the weather will be better tomorrow as got a very special doggy visitor popping in.  Hope Lola will behave herself!

Been checking the Missing Pets Perth and Kinross FB page all day but sadly there's still no sign of the four year old golden retriever that went missing locally yesterday, after being spooked by the thunder.  Her owners must be absolutely beside themselves with worry :-(((

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