
By TheOttawacker

Victoria Day weekend and the garden beckons

The start of the long Victoria Day weekend here in Canada. It marks the unofficial start of summer – and people bugger off to their cottages (if they have them) or get to work in the garden. On cue, the weather has started to be nice. Spent a lot of the day working and then in the afternoon, took Ottawacker Jr to his football game. Except I didn’t. I screwed up and missed a message on the club’s internal system about the game. As he’d been called up to the U13 team, it was in a different section… oops.

Anyway, his U12 team still had a practice on, so we were at that, for what it was worth (not a great deal, to be honest). I already have grave misgivings about the season. Quite possibly made a mistake in not changing clubs.

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