Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Brightening a dull day

Today began quite late for me - I was so tired again that I didn't feel it possible to get out of bed, let alone dress ... but I did, and managed to eat my porridge and a bit of toast before a long phone chat with my sister. You probably know, as I do, that you can clear a table, slowly, and put the Vegemite in the larder one-handed, but you cannot do the washing-up with a phone clamped to your ear, so I didn't. Not until lunchtime, in fact ...

Himself went off to play the organ and came back for a late lunch; I did quite a bit of Italian and slobbed around - at least, that's what it felt like. After lunch I kept falling asleep again, and then had a rootle around online trying to find an appropriate cable to link my new phone to my quite old but beautifully compact power pack, so that we weren't out for a walk till almost 5pm. By this time it was dry, but still grey and decidedly chilly, so we took off at quite a pace to walk out round Toward Point. That's where I saw these crazy blooms in someone's garden and just had to use them in my blip. I haven't looked it up, so I haven't a clue what it is,* but it's fabulous. 

Managed to stay awake for a bit of the news tonight, but then fell asleep and as a result am going to be going to bed at silly o'clock again. I think the week is catching up on me ...

*Looked it up. It's a Chilean Fire Tree, apparently.

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