Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

A bakers dozen

If I have done this correctly, today is my blipday (backblipping on Saturday) although because I have missed a few days, it more than 13 years since I started blipping.  Thanks to the team that keeps it all going - we wouldn't be here without you - and thanks to you for being such a great community. 

Today was G's dads memorial service. The service was at Drummoyne Sailing club which was a favourite location of her dad (great views).  She did a great eulogy and managed to hold it together even though it was tough at times.  She had also done a wonderful slide show and had arranged for a piper to play the lament and then a recessional.   Her dad had a Scottish heritage.  It was a good send off and her dad would be very proud of her.

After the wake, I visited the other G who had just had a hip replacement and was in the rehab hospital at Mona Vale.   She is going well.  And then, after leaving her I ducked in to the city to have a quick recky of Vivid at Circular Quay.  I needed to head back to Newy for the drumming performance on Saturday so didn't stay too long and as it was, I only got home close to midnight.

Imagine my surprise when those at Vivid knew about my blipday and had arranged a display on the opera house for me.  They even showed it near the ocean terminal, first extra.  The second extra is a Russian gymnast in one of my favourite installations (apparently according to her friend I was talking to, she was second in the world).  The people you meet at vivid.

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