Drinking has Consequences

It was the Trinity Proms in the Park today.

Preparations for this big event stretch nearly a year back, beginning as it always does with the first few knits of those stylish teddy bears. Janice & her mum Estrella have performed wonders again & knitted over 100 teddy bears for the bash, in turn helping to raise money for The Neuro Foundation, Trinity schools charity for the year.

We had a wonderful evening. The teddy bears were a huge success, there was a Prombola, there was a raffle with some amazing prizes (tickets to England test match cricket, mini-ipads, the usual), Krispy Crème Doughnuts (bleeding kid wouldn't sell me one, I didn't want twelve!) & all manner of other delights. Everyone gathered with their picnics, booze, friends & family, watching the harpist, the opera singers, the Trinity Big Band & Harry the Piano show their skills.

We met the fantastic Ffion & the lovely Laslo for the first time, Andy & Sharon's 3 & 1 year old's. They're so very sweet & just the best to have a giggle with.

The scene above depicts the end of the night. Willow & his nan Estrella took the mile or so journey home in their stride & walked while we carted the leftover gubbins back in the big car. Will didn't leave with his shirt off, & Estrella was wearing both her shoes & her own hat! They left a while before us & we literally just beat them back - it had me laughing away, especially when Will raced Estrella up the sloping driveway for the sprint finish. Brilliant, what a star. Estrella was loving it too.

A great night at the Proms.

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