
By MumOf4Wildlings


I took the jedi and Harp holiday clothes shopping this morning.  He was a cowboy and her some fancy disco chick. The jedi ended up getting a tiara in the shop and when we came home he disappeared upstairs.  I just about peed my pants when the next thing he was behind us declaring " I'm a queen ". 

Mr R was mortified.  Hehe. Didn't want him leaving the house in it. But hey ho he went to nana and grandads and tescos in his queen outfit.  He's also been playing out in the street on his bike. 

The wildlings have had a good day. 
I've not stopped. I'm heading back into the garage to finish rearranging it , and then when the wildlings are in bed I'll be going for a run. 

Normal blip service should resume tomorrow.  I've caught up with most . X 

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