This is the day

By wrencottage

Bee on allium

A late blip because it’s been a very busy day. This photo was taken at lunchtime on a quick tour of the garden in beautiful sunshine. I’ve no idea what kind of bee this is, but it was definitely enjoying exploring the alliums!

This morning I baked a couple of lemon cakes in preparation for the arrival of our eldest son R, and his daughter L, who is our oldest granddaughter. Lemon cakes are L’s absolute favourite and it is incumbent upon Granny to provide one every time she visits. They had booked to see "Six" in London, the musical about Henry VIII’s six wives, and were then coming to stay the night with us afterwards. (Our son’s new wife unfortunately has developed a chest infection, so sadly she had to stay at home in bed to recuperate.) 

Then Smithers and I jointly provided a meal for our middle son and his family, who are still without a kitchen. Shortly after they’d gone home to put the children to bed, the theatre goers arrived and after a catch up chat we were treated to our first view of all the official wedding photographs on my computer. They were excellent, and a great reminder of a wonderful day. The sheer exuberance on the faces of everyone present, and especially the bride and groom, was a joy to behold. I am looking forward to spending time going through them more slowly and choosing my favourites in the next few days. 

Meanwhile, bed beckons. We find having a houseful quite tiring.

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