
By TheOttawacker

At last! A productive day

 Sunny and breezy day – just perfect for inspiration. So, I managed to get my act together and start off the day with some translation. It’s pretty technical, so slow going, but despite a 20-minute word search for “swale”, I made good progress and got the initial draft off to my proofreader in France. Then I tried to train Tui to not scratch the furniture. It’s not working – and I am not sure she really wants to change.
And then the realization that I hadn’t written my blips all week and had done very little of interest, as no doubt you have been able to tell … Still, Mrs Ottawacker is downstairs cooking pizza, Ottawacker Jr is off at a club fitness session (trying no doubt to get rid of the horrible feeling yesterday’s thrashing gave him) and we have an evening together watching a movie. So, while not being interesting, life could be much, much worse.

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