
By TheOttawacker

On a roll

 Despite having a very late night by his standards – we started the movie after he came back from his club’s pre-season fitness session – Ottawacker Jr was up before 6 and, consequently, so were we. Despite my best efforts to coerce him back into his room “FFS, it’s Saturday morning, bet back to bed,” he was downstairs and planning trips to various places before I shuffled into my dressing gown.
I got in a translation earlier this week, so I decided to ignore the sunshine and try and get a couple of thousand words done. Then, of course, the sidetracking started. Mrs Ottawacker was baking cup cakes for a cake sale at Ottawacker Jr’s school’s Summer Fair; reminders started being whispered up the stairs (“it’s a great day to repot the plants – you can do it while we are out” and “have you done the laundry yet, I can’t find my shorts”); and then the coup de grâce, “where did you put the car keys?”
So, down I went, found the car keys (next to the phone where they are always kept), took the plants to the garden to repot, put a load of laundry on, and made some coffee. Two hours later, the other two Ottawackers having gone out, I went back and did my 2,000 words. Shouldn’t weekends be more relaxing than weekdays?
Oh, and to my great surprise, Manchester United won the FA Cup final. While I can never get happy about Manchester United winning anything, it’s nice that the 115ers had the smug smile wiped from their faces.
Now to find a photo… Sounds easy - but all that is there is the Ottawacker Jr mania for planes....

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