
By LesleyAlsford

Giraffes on tour

this one is for HelenJG  who regularly features one of the 'giraffes on tour' in her blip.We were at a D Day event at Old Warden and were waiting for 4 dakotas from the states  to fly in  when I came across this lot sitting on the fence. They were waiting to welcome another giraffe who was on one of the dakotas flying in from texas. One of these giraffes (unfortunately the one who seems less interested in the planes) was then flying back to the states (see extra). The giraffes are raising money for Great Ormond street and for anyone interested their story is on Giraffesontour website. 
Had a great day with of course a wander around the garden, this time with my lensbaby sol lens (see extra), and in the evening there was a hog roast, swing band and dancing. 

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