
By JennyOwen

Bank Holiday weather....

Well, at least it's not wall-to-wall rain.
Clouds have been rolling to and fro all day, the light swinging from bright sunshine to dark clouds and back in a few seconds.   Just now I could hear distant rumbles of thunder too.  So far we've escaped heavy downpours, but perhaps not for much longer.
I'd hoped to do a few garden jobs today but really - apart from emptying the compost caddy - the dry intervals are too short and unpredictable for that.  Everything's sodden out there too, and you can almost see the leggy growth in real time.
So it's been a day for indoor catch-ups.  I've filled in my electronic form for Labour Party election campaign volunteering, and hope to be able to get on with something useful, for that, from this week onwards.
Apart from that, I'm off to the cinema at the end of the afternoon to see La Chimera with two old friends.  Richard doesn't fancy the film, and so he's roasting a chicken for us all for when we get back.

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