Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

A new broom

Woke up to gentle rain this morning - that should perk things up a bit. Spent the morning on holiday pictures and hoped that the rain would go off as I wanted to get some more weeding done at the Walled Garden.

Fortunately it did, so after lunch I got ready to go out, though couldn't find any midge repellent to make life easier. I popped into Aldi on the way - they don't stock it. Tried Tesco, they do, but were sold out. So I went without it, but fortunately the sun came out and a gentle breeze sprung up and I didn't see - or feel -  a single midge all afternoon!

My Blip today is of the flower bed at the top of the Walled Garden. I like this broom, though I'm not sure if it's a named variety. Maybe I'll try some cuttings later on. There are several interesting perennials in what's left of the old flower borders - must have a look sometime to see if there's anything worth nicking!

Quote of the Day: 'What a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back with a hinge in it.'' - Charles Dudley Warner.

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