Baby Laszlo spots the bogey man

What a perfect Saturday we had.

Gloriously sunny and hot
Ladies final at Wimbledon - well done Marion Bartoli but sad for Sabine Lisicki. I cried of course, but then I cry whatever happens really.

In the afternoon we went off to William's school's Proms in the Park. A total contrast to last year's rather washed out affair. This year it was shorts and tee shirts all evening! A fabulous do, magnificent music, great company and loads of fun. I even won a prize in the raffle!! Given a choice I would have preferred to have won the tickets to The Ashes or the weekend in a boat house - but NO - I won a years subscription to 'Hello' magazine..... with very bad grace I took the long walk up to accept my prize. It was the one thing I really had no interest in at all. The good news is that I can change it from Hello to some other mag... hoorah!! Just got to decide now....

Luckily for Ed she won a years supply of dog food... hoorah for Lottie!!

The knitted bears went down a storm as usual. I didn't win Spishy bear, but I did come home with Wilf bear. I am going to give him to Rafi and Jackie when we see them tomorrow.

Too many shots to choose from for today. I was going to put a shot of the fireworks on that closed the evening but this one made me laugh so here it is.

Laszlo is the 6 month old son of our friends and he is an absolute dream.

I'm terribly behind but will catch up with you all. Thank you all so much for the praise, hearts and stars on my birdsong blip. You are all stars. x

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