Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

28 weeks

8 weeks left! 2 weeks left in work (can't wait to finish )

It's been an interesting weekend!
Our good friends have finally set a date for their wedding (finally) and its far enough in the future got me to have hopefully lost all the baby weight.

Painting of the nursery is finally finished other than a little bit of touching up due to masking tape issues.

My cousin has left her boyfriend and moved back home with her parents. They have been having some issues for a while but it all came to a head on Friday night when he lost his temper and went a bit crazy luckily he didn't hit here (even in my current state I would have killed him). He's told her she can move back into their house and he'll move out but she won't until he gets his family to give their keys back. They have a habit of turning up and letting themselves in and would try and convince her to take him back.
My uncle has kept his cool which is a good thing and my auntie has had a chat with him no doubt in her teacher voice (which scares the life out of me) and told him he has to tell his parents and tell them the full story by the end of the week.

So much for a relaxing Sunday!

Back to work tomorrow 6 and a half days in the office, 2 days working from home and a day and a half of leave. Then two weeks leave and then 52 weeks of maternity leave!!!

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